Services Overview
One on One Coaching
Transformative six-month or twelve-month one on one coaching engagements customized to your individual goals and desires. Specialties include executive coaching, executive presence, career/role transition, high potential coaching, female leadership development, mental fitness, and personal brand development.
Ascent Female Leadership Development
Ascent is a powerful cohort-based transformational program designed to inspire, develop, and embolden the next generation of female leaders within your organization. This program will serve to engage, develop, and retain your female talent, develop a strong pipeline of female successors for key leadership roles, and help you become known as an organization that grows and develops female leaders.
Team Coaching
Team coaching is a new cutting-edge discipline in the world of coaching in which the whole team is the client vs. the team leader or individuals on the team. The coaching engagement is focused on eliminating silos and becoming a dynamic, learning organization designed to meet the needs of today’s volatile, uncertain, and complex world.
New Manager Leadership Development
New Manager Leadership Development is a powerful cohort-based program that will instill a growth mindset and teach new managers cutting-edge tools and techniques to help them lead their teams to peak performance. Your new managers will discover and gain confidence in their authentic leadership style and learn to use their voice for maximum impact within the organization.